Friday, November 9, 2007

# 23 Summary Learning 2.0

In a word - enjoyable.
Looking back over the exercises and my comments before summarising, I noted from my first blog, "What a blogger". I've come a long way.
As a profession, we need to be aware and open to change, and the insight Learning 2.0 has given me has been well worth the time and effort.
Only delving to this stage, on a need to know basis, this program was right on the mark for me. Now the challenge will be to remain familiar with what I've learned, even though most won't be used within my library position.
I found working at home on 2.0 to be much better than disturbing folks around me with podcasts etc, but along with this has come the challenge of working things through in isolation - also beneficial.
Some areas will definitely be reviewed in the future, some explored in more depth.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

# 22 Audiobooks

What a fascinating site. Over 20,000 free ebooks produced by volunteers for Project Gutenberg on the World EBook Fair site. The languages available are quite extensive, and in the last 30 days 3,592,170 books have been downloaded. How things have changed.
The list of top 100 titles are an interesting blend, historical rather than hysterical. Offline catalogues are also available. Christmas is coming...I can feel an MP3 player coming on (please Santa).
Skipping through World eBook Fair site, slap bang inbetween the 'Children's eBook Collection' and 'Christian Classics Ethereal Library', I found 'CIA's Electronic Reading Room'. Here we go, something really interesting...yes (until wanting to look at the 2004 World Fact Book)...RESTRICTED SITE, authorization required. Story of my life really!
Same feeling, I imagine, listening to an eBook...story period expired!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

# 21 Useful searchtools for locating podcasts

We were recommended to have a look at Yahoo, which was fascinating. The layout is clear, and I found it to be really easy to use.
'Vintage jewellery' as a subject is always at the top of my list, so this is where I started. In 0.19 secs 5,710,000 entries were noted, with the note, "also try"...
Following on quickly, I tried 'crystal' in advanced search, which listed 254,000 entries. Then, over to IMAGES, where in .10 secs 32,484 images were at the ready. Time for new glasses!
Also had a look at '' where I found searching to be quite easy, with helpful browse tags (top 10 listed in each area also).

# 20 YouTube

YouTube: ABC World News

Spent quite some time, as usual perusing various sites, and found plenty of sites which were a waste of my time and effort. Looked at YouTube, blog, Learning 2.0, excellence sites, but have decided on the ABC World News site: clear, easily accessible, quality content, with the first news item being on global warming. The ABC World News was the first YouTube entry found at "world news".
The time factor to sift through the copious entries would always be an issue for me, and is compounded by the fact that I don't have broadband at home.

Friday, November 2, 2007

# 19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

Decisions, decisions... which site to choose.
Quick visit to sites including: Colorblender, Metacafe, Realtravel, and Upcoming. Settled on Google Maps for practicality. Had a fun time with subject and locations, and was amazed at the detail available. The city, maps, streets, businesses, and directions are all available for, I'm sure, just about anything. Looking for 'beading' (very general), in Arizona, I found there were 6,800 odd entries.
This site is user friendly, and sure to be handy as an aid to the traveller.

# 18 Web-based applications

How cool! Had a browse around Zoho writer, which would be very handy for group work. No need to email work back and forth, and you can work on or offline. People can add collaborative text, work can be reviewed/edited. Tables can be added, formatting is thorough (slideshow, presentation creator etc). When saving a doc. you are told how many words/characters.
Created a basic spreadsheet, with countdown to finishing this exercise(with 'Salmon has landed', on # 23.
"Share, don't attach!" is my mental note.

# 15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Many and varied papers, in the main agreeing tath the library community should/will always need to be moving and open to 'new' sets of concepts. We, as a community must embrace and be open to change, however challenging. Users and librarians need to change constantly: improve, evolve, interact.
The library is not only the centre for learning, and experience, but importantly for many, for social interaction (on many levels), for many and varied communities.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

# 13 Tagging...

Not being a 'time-expending-inquisitor' re the interests of others in this regard, I'd only explore further if needed at the time, rather than extensively, now. is fascinating, and I'm, sure of great interest to the technically minded. However, I would need to revisit, become comfortable and familiar again before use, or recommendation to others.
For those people working from multiple computers/locations, there would be real advantages. Again, for researching, bookmarks would be a given.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

# 17 Playing...PBwiki

Must stop this evening stuff! I'm sure the instructions were easier than I was reading, and re-reading (looked to be straight forward) - I must have been missing a link.
However, PBwiki has been duly played with, not with much enthusiasm though. Packed up my toys, and left the sandbox!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

# 16 Wiki

A couple of blogs ago, I commented that Monday, Friday arvo, and the evening are not ideal times to be 2.0 'ing. Well here I am, mid evening,a saturday to make it worse.
The combined conditions are having me feel as though the names used for most of the tools are beginning to 'float' in a seasick making fashion! Wiki is feeling a bit wacky right at this moment.
The format appears to be really user friendly, and clearly laid out. Again, I'm not in to the amount of people, and how recently they have visited the site. Editing details would be watched closely I guess. Library Outreach Wiki and Library Technology Training Wiki both have detailed logs on activity and editing etc. The latter claims to be able to "create a classroom site in 60 seconds". Syllabus is available online, and students collaborate online.
Most libraries would benefit from using wiki in varied areas: Reference Desk queries, subject book lists to name just two. Wikipedia is very handy, and well used.

Friday, October 26, 2007

# 14 Technorati...

Something else to add to my list of new things to do on a rainy afternoon!
Blog posts, tags, and the Blog directory each have vastly different entry numbers, with Blog posts in the majority (this listing also has the easier highlight/browsing
The top 100 favourite blogs can lose you an hour very easily... from the misleading title of 'Boing Boing' at no. 1, to 'Blog for Money/Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta' at no. 50, and at no. 64 'Crooks and Liars' (with authority: 7,250).
Varied...mindboggling bloggers!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

# 12 Rollyo

Way back when...the ideal would be, on a rainy (!!) afternoon, to curl up with a good book. My next rainy afternoon may see me back rediscovering Rollyo in more detail, as we're all finding that time is of the essence.
I've set up my account, had a good browse around the sites via the exercises, and set up my search role, using "womens health" as a topic.
My next browse was with Freephoto, then "Quick quotes", thinking I'd find one relating a quick quip about 'time'. However, I stopped at the following - Joan Rivers quote, posted on Sept 27, 2007, "The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it". Over and out.

Monday, October 8, 2007

# 11 LibraryThing

Following on from the previous post of my favourite topic of the moment, here are entries from my widget:

Saturday, October 6, 2007

# 10 More play, more Flickr

An example of art deco jewellery from desire to inspire which is full of craft artisans flickr experiences and work

# 10 Image Generator

How much fun is this!

Spent time having a browse through

The generator blog, Big Huge labs, and LETTER JAMES. Must admit I spent lots of time here!

LETTER JAMES and were quite new to me, but now I'm hooked.

# 6 Flickr fun


This has been so much fun to do and play around with. The site : Diddles cartoon wunderland has work by an interesting artist, with plenty of variety of subject.

However, when I started looking around: desire to inspire (all lower case), time just got away. For ages I've been sourcing vintage and art deco jewellery styles, and here they are in all different forms. The pieces set with Swarovski crystal particularly caught my eye.... enough!

Friday, September 28, 2007

#8-#9 RSS feeds and set-up of Bloglines account.

Now that 2.0 is becoming more familiar, tasks #8 and #9 were easier to set-up and navigate around. Exploring , and selecting topics for RSS feeding was really interesting, and to see my lists grow progressively throughout the searching added to the relevance of the exercise.

# 7 Technology

Digital music players.
MP3 players (both flash and hard disc players) - come in lots of different shapes and sizes. Apple ipod Nano, SAMSUNG YP-ZSFQB and CREATIVE Zen Neeon 2 are all easily slipped into the pocket, are thin and lightweight. The Sony NW-EooSF looks a bit like a USB key, and is small and weighs just 25g. So this last one is ideal to take to the gym.
One must consider the sound quality, use good headphones, or good speakers to improve the sound even further.
Ipods have become an almost essential accessory for those who like to take their music with them. You can also use them to store photos while on holidays ( if you run out of room on your camera), to watch a movie (if the screen size allows), and to store and transport datafiles.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

#5 Heat, indigestion, or blogging?

What a wonderful sunset.
Feels like the process of mastering #5 Flickr!
Or was it indigestion!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


What a blogger!! Took a bit to get started, but that was me...